TONIGHT! Village Hall Meeting
The Village Hall committee needs new members as most of the present members are taking retirement after long service.
The hall has always had an active committee to run it efficiently but now, like many other Village Halls, it is threatened with closure unless we can recruit new people to be part of this valuable parish amenity.
The next Village Hall meeting is on the 7th September at 7.00 pm. In the Hall. As always, this is an open meeting and would be an ideal opportunity for interested parishioners to come along, see what needs to be done, see if it is something you feel able to be involved in running the hall. The AGM is in October and that would be the ideal time to come forward and join the committee.
Cathy (clerk) 01803 392419
Dot (Chair of Parish Council) 01626 872211
Bernard (Chair of Village Hall) 01626 873454
It would be a sad loss to the parish if the Village Hall were to close, but unfortunately,that is the reality so please do come forward if you are able.
We need you!