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Horses have priority in the village.

With so many horse riders in and around the village, it is important that the new Highway Code rules are understood.

Here they are…

The first rule represents the hierarchy of road users.

horse riders,
large passenger vehicles/heavy goods vehicles

The second rule is to give priority to people crossing the road at junctions, and this applies to drivers, motorcyclists, horse drawn vehicles, horse riders and cyclists.

There is updated guidance on safe passing distances and speeds for people driving or riding a motorcycle when overtaking vulnerable road users, including:
Passing people riding horses or driving horse-drawn vehicles at speeds under 10 mph and allowing at least two metres (6.5 feet) of space

The third rule is when cars are turning, bikes have priority.

When coming into or out of a junction, or changing direction or lane, other road users should not cut over bikes, horse riders, or horse drawn vehicles going ahead.

It states that you should not turn at a junction if doing so will force the cyclist, horse rider, or horse-drawn vehicle ahead of you to stop or swerve. If necessary, you should stop and wait for a safe gap in the flow of cyclists.


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